





Slope protection equipment for river and lake treatment: definition and use of slope protection bricks
Speaking of the slope protection brick, most people do not know what the slope protection brick is. The slope protection brick is also called the grass circle or the cement slope brick. It is a kind of building material to protect the river bank, the river embankment and the slope soil resources. Most of them are designed for planting.
Precipitation has increased in China this year, and landslides and floods often occur. China's relevant departments also strengthened management and construction efforts for river and lake management. However, soil erosion, sediment deposition, rising river bed and water pollution still exist in river and lake regulation. How to better solve this problem has become a major point of relevant government departments.
In view of the difficulties and main points of the river and lake management, the innovative research and development of the river lake treatment and slope protection brick equipment, its products not only meet the standard requirements of the strength of the river and lake treatment of slope bricks, but also have obvious effect in the purification of water resources of river lake. The equipment of river and lake treatment and slope protection brick is to form products by variable amplitude and variable amplitude, and its aggregate is mostly taken from waste, such as construction waste, tailings residue, fly ash and so on. It also plays a very good role in the field of resource regeneration.


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