铰接式护坡砖特点 |
添加时间:2018/8/25 15:09:37 浏览次数: |
铰接式护坡砖特点: Features of articulated slope protection bricks: 1、整体铺设,施工快捷!适应各种地形和气候变化。 1, the whole laying, fast construction! Adapt to all kinds of terrain and climate change. 2、抗流体冲击力强!高速水流以及其它恶劣环境下保持完整面层,不被侵蚀。与土工织物配合使用,可以有效管涌崩岸及泥沙流失。 2, strong resistance to fluid impact! High speed water flow and other harsh environments maintain intact surface without erosion. The use of geotextiles can effectively control bank collapse and sediment loss. 3、适应1:1坡度施工,并且能在高速水流引起的高切应力下,安全的工作。 3, adapt to 1:1 slope construction, and can work safely under high shear stress caused by high-speed water flow. 4、恢复土壤净化污染能力,提同水体生物生存能力,避免硬化河道二次污染现象。 4. Recovering the ability of soil purification and pollution, raising the living ability of water organisms, and avoiding the secondary pollution of hardened rivers. 5、特别适应紧堤防除险回固工程,水下施工,不需围堰,不仅经济同时节省时间。 5. Especially suitable for tightening embankment danger removal and reinforcing works, underwater construction, without cofferdam, not only economical but also time-saving. 6、可植草绿化,保护生态环境。 6, planting grass can be greening to protect the ecological environment. 7、在海提、防讯、护岸方面以及浆砌石等做法,其综合成本最为经济。 7, in the sea, defense, shore protection and slurry masonry and other practices, the comprehensive cost of the most economical. |
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