高速护坡砖塑料模具介绍 |
添加时间:2019/8/23 13:28:06 浏览次数: |
高速护坡砖塑料模具是由聚丙烯pp注塑成型的,塑料注塑成型这种方法即是将塑料材料熔融,然后将其注入膜腔。熔融的塑料一旦进入模具中,它就受冷依模腔样成型成一定形状。所得的形状往往就是最后成品,在安装或作为最终成品使用之前不再需要其他的加工。许多细部,诸如凸起部、肋、螺纹,都可以在注射模塑一步操作中成型出来。相信中国企业在转变竞争方式以后,企业的生产水平能够大幅度提升,有效摆脱恶性竞争,让模具产业更上一层楼。 The plastic mould of high-speed slope protection brick is made by injection moulding of polypropylene and polypropylene. The plastic injection moulding method is to melt the plastic material and then inject it into the film cavity. Once molten plastic enters the mould, it is cooled and shaped into a certain shape according to the cavity pattern. The resulting shape is often the final product, and no other processing is required before it is installed or used as the final product. Many details, such as bulges, ribs and threads, can be formed in one step of injection moulding. It is believed that after the transformation of competition mode, the production level of Chinese enterprises can be greatly improved, effectively get rid of vicious competition, and let the die and mould industry to a higher level. |
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